HPLC is an analytical technique that can be used to quantify the concentration of an active chemical in a sample. HPLC achieves this by separating a sample into its fundamental components, often using polarity. HPLC has many applications in science such as testing for performance enhancing drugs, pharmaceutical development, and nutrient analysis of blood serum in medicine.
In LITE, HPLC is used as an accurate and robust method for testing the insecticide content in samples of various vector control techniques. Common samples tested include:
- Formulations taken from Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) spray tanks.
- Filter papers that have been taken from walls sprayed with IRS.
- Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) treated with insecticide by coating onto filaments.
- LLINs treated with insecticide by incorporating into filaments.
Methods have also been developed for analysing insecticide concentrations in novel vector control techniques such as ATSB stations. Common insecticide analysed include pirimiphos-methyl, alpha-cypermehtrin, permethrin, pyriproxyfen and deltamethrin however the list of insecticides analysed is much longer than this and we are constantly expanding this list with new compounds.